Thursday, July 27, 2006

John Michael Hamstra is ON HIS WAY!

As it turns out all of this pre-labor has yet to turn into true labor and we've found ourselves facing the date of a scheduled induction.

Not exactly the way I'd hoped and prayed this day would arrive... but its hard to be disappointed when I'm waking up on the day (hopefully!) I'll deliver a precious baby boy who is sure to be loved and adored by countless friends and family.

So, induction is scheduled for 8:00 a.m. this morning.

Please pray for a safe and healthy delivery without a C-section, that nursing goes well and that Adeline adjusts well to the new baby.


Suzanne said...

Sorry it's not the way you hoped...but glad that he's coming very soon!! Can't wait to see pictures!

Bipin Sen said...

ahhh the wonders of pitocin... good luck! we're praying for a quick, speedy and safe delivery!!

Fabio 'n Elizabeth Tsukayama said...

Praying! Hope all goes well and quickly and breastfeeding is easier to establish this time around! :)

Anonymous said...

We will pray for you today! The boys will be so excited to hear about him. (me too of course!)

Mrs. Smith said...

You and your family are in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to meet him!!!!!!!!!!

Melanie said...

Yea!!! Finally! One day early is better than one day late, right? I'm such a bright side thinker! I can't wait to see pictures! I pray all goes well and he arrives healthy and fast! I'm sure Addy will adjust fine - she doesn't really have much of a choice, does she? :)

Lisa said...

been praying all morning.

Anonymous said...

YAY! John Michael is almost here! YAY!

Lisa said...

YAAHHHHH Just heard the awesome news. I told Julia that her friend is here. She just smiled at me like duh, mom.

Suzanne said...

So he's here???

Mrs. Smith said...

Congrats Hamstra family! We heard the good news and look forward to meeting the new guy!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Michelle. What an exciting time. Glad your labor went well (as far as Amy said). Can't wait to hear about it and see pictures of John Michael!!!!

ME said...

Congratulations John & Michelle!

now that you have two precious little ones, I wonder if you will have two blogs or simply alter this one. Of course, you have more pressing things to consider for now.

Please let us know your food preferences so we can spoil you all rotten by dropping off food so you do not need to cook for a while. Jenny has a great seven-layer cookie recipe for desert.

Anonymous said...

Michelle I don't think I've ever prayed so constantly. I'm so excited for you and I'm here to help in anyway possible. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. :)