Friday, November 17, 2006

The Warm Weather is "all gone"

We, though a bit uncooperatively, took advantage of what was probably our last mild day of fall to take some pictures of the kiddos in the leaves.

"Sure Mommy, I'll pose for pictures. Which face do you want me to make? The curious/bored one or the happy, smiley one? Well, turns out you don'tt get to pick. I'm going to stare at the camera like its an alien the whole time. Sound good?"

"You thought this would be fun... why????"

"Please don't make me sit in this."

"I'm done. Pick me up please"

Though this next picture looks deceptively carefree the truth was she was WAY done at this point.

Hey, these leaf things are kind of cool after all!

Sadly, this was the cutest of the ones I got of them together. :(

Goodbye Fall. We enjoyed knowing you for the week or so you were here.


Kathy said...

Ha ha...cute! Did JM dissappear into the leaves?

One thing I miss about the burbs, the piles of leaves that one can stomp on and throw around.

Tara Sasser said...

Those are great, looks like the cold weather did not bother John Michael at all. Can't wait to see how Addy and Adam react to SNOW!!

Bipin Sen said...

it's funny.. i remember the pictures from last year and how different the reaction is this time. priya didn't care for the leaves either. i'm curious too on how she'll react to snow.

candi said...

Hey I know I am a post late but it took me a while to think back to when Jacob was 19 mos and Ty was 3mos. Jacob and I used to do all sorts of crafts with pipe cleaners. Either just twist them together to make rainbows or string things on them. And of course the ever popular candy canes. Pipe cleaners still provide my children hours of fun. Alright well maybe it is like 20 minutes, but they are still and quiet and it feels like hours!!!!

Fabio 'n Elizabeth Tsukayama said...

Dominique wasnt crazy about the leaves last year either, but she loved them this year! It will be fun next year to compare your leaves pics and the kids reactions to this years pics. :)

About craft ideas, have you tried letting her paint or finger paint? Since finger paint tends to be messy, I let my kids do it in the bathtub. ;) They love it and later it all washes down the drain! Also, you could try letting her cut stuff with safety scissors. Joshua started around 18 mos, but Dominique didnt have the coordination until around 22ish months. Now she just LOVES to cut stuff into bits, things like the flyers we get in the mail. And my kids at that age preferred coloring with markers because they couldnt press hard enough with crayons to get a nice effect. They love play dough, too, but Dominique did eat it for a long time. Finally past that! Ummmm.... they like stringing big beads onto a string using a large blunt needle too, or you could make a "needle" out of pipe cleaner. Well, that should get you started. :) I'll let you know if I think of anything else.

candi said...

I love how you coordinated their outfits to look nice in the leaves. That was intentional, wasn't it???