Thursday, January 12, 2006


I have been tagged by my dear friend Leeeeeeees to post five random things about myself. Here goes:

1. I hate taking showers.
2. Nice handwriting is one of my passions. I analyze and overanalyze letters I get from people who have nice handwriting (especially Julie Wildman) to see if I can somehow recreate it.
3. I secretly pick my nose all the time... and I don't use a kleenex. Its something I can't help. when there is something stuck in your nose who has time to run and find a kleenex??
4. My husband cleans the bathroom. This started during my first pregnancy when just the thought of cleaning the bathroom made me dry heave. He has graciously and willingly continued with this chore just for the sake of blessing me.
5. I cut my own hair most of the time. Having curly hair means that you can't always tell if its uneven.

I tag Annette, David, Bipin, Beth (are we allowed to tag xanga-ers?), and "Suzie-Q!!


Suzanne said...

Michelle - were the mctwins not the mtwins. You linked me to the Minnesota twins. :)

Bipin Sen said...

oh joy. what if i pretend i didn't read your blog... oh well.. i'll have to pare down my list from 50 to 5... :-)

Leslie Bowden Nack said...

I knew all of those things! :)

Anonymous said...

Everyone picks their nose- if they say they don't their probably lying. I didn't know you didn't like to take showers! I hate baths. I feel like all the dirt is still on me when I get out.

Anonymous said...

lol... hi I don't know you at all however all of those facts are very true also about me LOL....

Fabio 'n Elizabeth Tsukayama said...

Hey there! LOL about nose picking. Yeah, everyone does it, but I dont know if I would be bold enough to post about it on my blog! :-)~

I cut my own hair mostly too. Curly is fun that way. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle-
I am late in commenting on this, but a fact I like about you is that you can wring a sponge or dishrag in super, super hot water and not even flinch. I think about it when I do dishes!