Thursday, January 19, 2006

a musical match made in....

Well.. not heaven. Connor & Addy had a blast playing together on the piano. As a matter of fact when I took Addy away Connor looked at me and patted the seat next to him again because he wanted Addy to play some more! I wish I could say this was because they made beautiful music together... but, even with my limited musical talents, I must admit that it wasn't prodigy material.

One of Addy's new favorite things is to shake her head "no." I was pretty sure she didn't know what it meant but lately she has been doing it at all the right times... maybe its just her defiance coming out! She also does it when she's flirting with someone. She has a soft spot for dark haired, dark skinned men. Mexicans, African Americans and sometimes Asian. She LOVES them. Usually when she spots someone that fits this description she will smile and start waving as if they've known each other for ages. I love it because you rarely meet someone who doesn't love that a baby is infatuated with them.


Anonymous said...


Bipin Sen said...

i can hear the fifth symphony being played.. i never had any musical talents. i hope music is not hereditary.

Fabio 'n Elizabeth Tsukayama said...

very cute pics!! David must be proud! LOL

Anonymous said...

Great Pictures and I am now watching the blog. I think she needs piano lessons Tara and Michelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!