Saturday, June 06, 2009

blogging burnout

I don't blog a lot. I guess I can chalk it up to lack of interest. When I first got a blog I loved updating it, I loved writing about my kids, their silly antics, how they were growing and how I was coping.  Now, I love to think about blogging. If I could blog the way I twitter I'd blog all the time... but as it is I've turned out to be a blogging burnout. 

 Sometimes when I blog I feel the pressure to show lots of pictures and say little. Other times I feel a bit lame not writing much. :)  This time I'm going to keep it short and include a picture... because everyone loves pictures, especially when they're of this adorable peanut.

ruby red shoes

I'm waiting anxiously for my big sister to send me a picture of her belly. She's got a baby in it. :) This will be the first sibling we've had to have a baby and we are SO E X C I T E D.  It'll be a Thanksgiving baby and we will all be very thankful!

Meanwhile I'm staying very busy with photography, the kids are growing like weeds. I should videotape them more. They say the funniest things and have the funniest little accents/speech impediments.... which comically have transferred to many adults we know!  

Here are some of our fave things they say:
JM: Cuz I want to sometimes.
Addy: I yuv you werry werry much.
both kids: "Ganks"
JM: Umm.... Actuawee.... um... no

Well, maybe these mini posts will encourage me to post more often.

Until then.... enjoy this warm weather!


Unknown said...

yeah for you blogging!!! love the pic! :)

Emilee Stanley said...

Congrats Tara! You've set a high stardard of being an aunt!

Unknown said...

It's always nice to see updates and pictures of your adorable children! :) But it's certainly understandable how one can turn into a "Blogger Burnout."

J said...

I like it when you blog..I like the pictures and what you have to say.

Congrats Tara!!