Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Welcome Sadie Grace!!!

We are so eager to meet little Sadie (and almost as eager to introduce her to John Michael!). Amy delivered Sadie on May 19 - three weeks early! Lets hope we follow her example and go early too!

Word on the street is that this little one looks just like a Kotynski/Hamstra (even though there is no Hamstra blood!) but we can't tell. What do you guys think?


Suzanne said...

Don't wish for early babies...the NICU is no fun! :(

Bipin Sen said...

the first thing i thought of was: wow.. i can see donna in her. and yea.. nicu is no fun... the babies there look so helpless, and alone in a cold, bright world.

Kathy said...

She looks so adoable! I can not believe her weight...!
How is Amy doing? CONGRATULATIONS to all the Hamstra-Kotynski-Maples families.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't see anyone. She looks like a neutral baby to me! Very cute. When we say early (I say we because I'm with Michelle) we don't mean dangerously early like 33 weeks we mean 37-38 weeks. Bring on the contractions! I'm ready to meet Weston!