Thursday, April 02, 2009

My baby is a peanut

I took Nicholas to the doctor today for his 6 month checkup. He was so much smaller than my other two babies were at 6 months! He weighed in at 17 pounds 4 ounces (39th percentile) and was 27 1/2" long. (76th percentile)

Compared to Adeline at 6 months:
21 pounds (GREATER than the growth chart, 27 1/2" (92nd percentile)
Compared to John Michael at 6 months:
20 pounds 10 ounces (97th percentile) and 291/4" long (GREATER than the charts)

His eyes are most definitely getting brown flecks in them too. We may have a Mexican baby on our hands after all!! Well, Mexican or not he's happy to be alive. Its a rarity to see this baby unhappy... unless you're not holding him that is. :)

While we were there Addy & John Michael were weighed and measured too.

Adeline - 4 years old.
Weighs 44 pounds (93rd percentile) & is 3 feet 6 inches (89th percentile)

John Michael - 2 years and 8 months
Weighs 36 pounds (92nd percentile) and is 3 feet 3 1/2" tall (97th percentile)


Tara Sasser said...

So are you taking any bets when JM will pass Addy?

Suzanne said...

I don't think it's so much that Nicholas is a peanut. Your older two were chunky monkeys. :)