Thursday, March 05, 2009

Not so sneaky

Well the few of you who weren't too shy to come play my little game were right! John Michael was the first picture and Nicholas was the second. My precious little man is 5 months old.

He's discovered his own voice and loves to squawk and talk . Its so dang cute. :) He also STILL loves to be swaddled. How funny is that? He's not that great at rolling but I think its because I hold him or put him in his exersaucer or jumper all the time. He LOVES his jumper. Video soon, I promise.

I snapped a few shots of him yesterday, nothing special but here they are.

houston we have a drooler.



Tara Sasser said...

He gets is looks and the drool factor from JM.

Unknown said...

they are special. :)