Saturday, March 21, 2009

bathtime with the penguin-fly

Every time Johnny gives the kids a bath they always run out in their adorable towels to find me and say, "Look how cute I am Mommy!" To which I can't help but smile and agree. So, today I decided to capture a bit of that cuteness.

See if you can handle the cuteness.

My fave of John Michael:

My fave of Adeline:

My fave of them together:

And check it out, over at my photography blog Baby Triniti turned a year old. She's a princess, and I adore her! She's one of my favorite people to photograph!


Tara Sasser said...

Too cute! I love the one of them together, JM's eyes look very blue

Trillia said...

Those blue eyes on your kiddoes are gorgeous! I love these sweet pics!