Did I mention I'm having a boy?
Probably not, because truthfully, we have no idea what we're having. We chose not to find out at either of the ultrasounds we had.. but I am more than convinced that its a boy! Its so funny to me that I feel so strongly about it though! I've never felt so sure in either of the other pregnancies. When I was pregnant with Addy I flip flopped. In the beginning I thought I was having a girl but in the end everyone else convinced me I was having a boy! With John Michael I was pretty sure I was having another girl until we found out that he was a boy! So, my odds of being right are pretty slim - especially according to my track record.... However, I will say that with both of the other pregnancies I never claimed to *know* like I do this time. :)
One of the reasons that I feel so strongly about it is because this pregnancy is VERY similar to John Michael's. The way I gained weight and the amount of weight I gained were nearly identical. I also craved green things and chemical things during my pregnancy with John Michael... the same as during this one.
But, I thought I'd go ahead and make the public statement... I haven't gone as far as to washing all of my boy clothes yet but I'll be honest - I'm tempted! It'd be nice to have that done and ready for when the baby is born... but then the thought of doing all that work, hanging up all the clothes, etc... only to come home with my tail between my legs, pack it all up again and get out the pink stuff has me holding off.... that and the other million things I'm trying to get done before the baby is born!
Enough for now - no pictures, sorry. I might take a "9 months pregnant" picture tomorrow if I have a good hair day... which for me just means at least washing it. :) :)
I think that you are having a boy too! But I am always wrong.
I think a boy just because yo think it is. Who knows, just as long as he is healthy.
My stomach totally did a little flop when I read the first line, and then once I continued reading I called myself a sucker! :) Can't wait to hear the news!
boy...girl...lets get the show on the road!
Hey Michelle! It's Shelley Hill from Knoxville. My 4th pregnancy was exactly like my third with Hannah. Same food cravings, same hair falling out instead of growing long and thick. Everything was the exactly the same. I was convinced I was going to have two boys and two girls and name her Elizabeth. But I received the shocker of my life to find out that we had a boy, Caleb Trent instead. So take it from me, don't put all your eggs in that boy basket. :)
That's good to know Shelley! It kind of makes me feel like there IS a little more anticipation in finding out. Up to this point I've been so sure I'm having a boy that I kind of felt "let down" about the excitement of finding out... haha....
I am one of those "I just know" people for my pregnancies. Batting 1000. 3 out of 3. My mom has the "I can tell for others" sense. Me not so great at that one. We are excited to hear about a healthly baby and a nice, short labor.
Any baby new yet?
It's so funny that Shelley left you a message....I was going to tell you her story. I was pretty certain that I was having boys....even before the 5000 ultrasounds I had. :) Can't wait to hear news of your newest arrival!
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