Friday, December 07, 2007

Playing in the Snow

As promised, here are some pictures from our romp in the snow. :)

After bundling up the kids and ourselves Johnny trekked out with Addy & John Michael. Plopping them down in the snow and walking over to get the shovel proved to be a bad idea.... John Michael was in shock. He couldn't walk in the snow so he fell down and cried until I came out. He's quite the baby.... and its so endearing!! :)

Once Johnny got the sled out John Michael cheered right up.  Here he is grinning (this is his "I see the camera smile" while waiting for another sled ride.

Both kids loved the sled.  Johnny went slow at first but before long they were flying!


After the sledding I tried teaching Addy how to make a snow angel.  She did surprisingly well but when she got up she destroyed it.  I was sad she wouldn't be able to see it well but once she got up she ran off and never looked back.  I guess the concept was slightly too advanced for her.  :)

But it shouldn't be surprising that EATING isn't too advanced for her!  She absolutely loves to eat the snow!  

Bite #1  "Wow, its really cold!"

Bite #2  "Did anyone see that?"

Bite #3  "This is 'lip smackin' delicious!"

Our neighbors have a "holiday tree."  Well, I named it that anyway.  They decorate it with lights for every holiday (green for St. Patricks, orange for Halloween, etc.)

The kids love it!

Like most things Johnny convinces me to do I didn't regret it! Here we are shortly before I went in and let them play for a while longer. :)

The happy/cold Hamstras!


Tara Sasser said...

Adam and I are still laughing at JM's face! Guess that is what he sees when we smile, right???

Oh yeah, it is 74 degrees here! We had to turn the air on this December in the south!

Melanie said...

Great pics! John Michael is looking so old! :(
Ben eats the snow all the time too. He's been known to swipe his finger along the bumper of the car and get a nice scoop of snow for himself! Gross, I know. :)

ME said...

That last picture would make a great card! I'm sure you already knew that, though.

-Scott J.

Unknown said...

I want to move to Chicago. I hate that it doesn't snow much at all here. Great pictures.

Fabio 'n Elizabeth Tsukayama said...

Welcome back to blogging world! It's great to check and see an update! Lovely pics of the kids in the snow!

Fabio 'n Elizabeth Tsukayama said...
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Anonymous said...

Great pics of you guys and wonderful expressions on the kids faces. love ya mom