Thursday, December 27, 2007

a taste of Christmas

Christmas was amazing. I feel a bit overwhelmed when I think of all the things I got alone! Not to mention the kids and Johnny.

John Michael got a gift the whole family has been playing... but here is a glimpse of what his new favorite toy looks like:

...and please, no comments from the peanut gallery about how incredibly cheesey and silly I sound. It took some pride swallowing to post this with my ridiculous commentary recorded for all the laugh at!....


Melanie said...

he looks soooo cute playing those drums! so cute!

swart said...

Great to see the kids and you all had a great time ... we were thinking about our old days in Highland ...

Oh, and i love the encouragement in your voice ... affirmation ... it's a gift!


Lisa said...

So cute. Jules got a bunch of percussion instruments and is quite the singer. A band in the making?

Trillia said...

Too fun! Weston loves to beat on things like they are drums. Your giggle reminded me of Emilee. I love her laugh. Merry Christmas!!

Tara Sasser said...

He is a natural! Too cute!

Bipin Sen said...

Awww. my heart just gave a little leap. I had been wanting to get something similar for Priya. She *loves* to play drums. I'm thinking JM may be her new best friend. :-)

Ok.. offline you have to let me know how much it was (if you gifted it, or if you know about it).

Aimee said...

Really cute! I'm not sure I'd be so brave to have those in my house though! :)

Christy said...

Wow, I'm impressed at how deliberate he is with them! He'll be quite the drummer. btw - I really got a kick out of your Christmas card pictures. I don't think you could have gotten a better goofy picture! Great. And lastly, I have to say hats off to your photography. I love all the new images, and the classic style is well done.

Fabio 'n Elizabeth Tsukayama said...

Sweet! After your comment about your cheesy/silly comments, I thought you were going to say something really goofy or something.... and I kept waiting... and it didnt happen, lol! You just sound like a good mama. :) He really looks like he loves it, but I was thinking was aimee commented! You are brave!

ME said...

keep playing, JM. Ernest & Paul need a day off occasionally.

We loved the Christmas pic - the silly one, of course.

-Scott & Jenny J.