Here's how she looked on Tuesday morning.
So of course I started administering the Benadryl.... but in the afternoon she looked worse:
So, off to the urgent care we went. I had thrown away the steroid script the doc had given me thinking we wouldn't need it... and we had to wait 2 hours to see the doc. By the time we saw him my poor little girl looked like this:
But, armed with a steroid cream we felt assured she would be recovering by the morning..... so you can imagine my shock when I woke up to a little girl who couldn't see out of EITHER EYE!!
Off to the pediatrician we went. Luckily I had an appointment for John Michael anyway. He prescribed an oral steroid and by the time I even gave it to her it was getting better. By tonight she looks immeasurably better.... Thank you Lord for medicine. Its not the first thing we turn to, nor is it what we ultimately put our trust in but we're so grateful for it when we need it! I didn't get a post trauma picture tonight due to pregnancy symptoms :) But I'll take one in the morning.
And by the way, my little girl is a trooper. Not a complaint! (Well, except for nap time... apparently benadryl makes her hyper.)
Oh, michelle that breaks my heart. Her little face looks so sad. And mosquitos are so hard to keep away. So did you grow out of being allergic to them?
My boys are allergice to mosquito bites too, but they've NEVER been that bad! Poor Addy! I'm glad to hear that she's doing better!
No complaints?!?! She is strong like her mother. I hope it looks worse that it is.
Glad to hear she is doing better! SUmmer is almost over, then you don't have to worry about mosquitos any more..
poor baby. I will understand if you send her over in a bee keepers outfit for play time. Me and horsefly have the SAME relationship. Not a good thing growing up on a lake. : (
Mosquitoes are a curse on this earth. I HATE mosquitoes.. I wish every single one of them to perish. Bats can find something else to eat.
Ugh. Can you tell how I feel about them? And I'm not even allergic.
Poor Addy! My prayer is that this allergy passes and isn't with her forever.
all i've got to say is you can tell she's not her normal self cause she isn't smiling and laughing! but Praise God that it's going down...and you're a trooper too michelle!
That is sad! I didn't even know people were allegeric to mosquitoes. Glad she's a trooper. See you soon!
If you get a chance, ask Michelle Ruth about it. Regan is highly allergic to mosquitoes too and reacts the same way. So sorry for Addy!! Mosquitoes are annoying but I can't imagine reaction and meds and dr visits with each bite!
Ahh Addy..poor little thing. I am glad she is doing better!!! Man oh man that is bad.
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