OBVIOUSLY Addy had a great time at her birthday party! It was her first real sweet treat and she destroyed it! It was a classic one year old smash cake experience... videos soon :) Thanks to my mom for doing the icing job on the cake - it made it look so fun and special!
One of the fun things about Addy's cake eating experience was that she kept clapping for herself... congratulating herself on whatever she must have done to deserve this incredible dessert! As a matter of fact, she liked her cake so much that when we took it away it took her TEN MINUTES to stop crying! I think I should've stuck with the cupcake idea!!
We had 21 people in our cozy casa so its a good thing we decided to stick with a family only party or people might've had to eat their dinner in the bathroom!
Thanks so much to everyone who came and blessed little Addy so generously. It was a bit overwhelming to be so showered with gifts. I'm afraid she's well passed spoiled at this point. I'll post some pictures of her playing with her new toys soon but for now enjoy the ones of her on her new chair from Grandma and Grandpa Hamstra. She spent half of her present opening time crawling up and down the chair.... and standing up and down too.... looks like an opportunity for training :)
So, Happy Birthday sweet Addy. You are one well loved little girl!!
Here are some pictures from our anniversary trip to the faraway land of downtown Chicago. Johnny got us a room at the Hard Rock Hotel on Michigan Avenue. It was pretty nice and totally convenient. And yes.... we took Addy with us. Please, no comments from the peanut gallery!!
This clip is of Addy playing peek-a-boo. Its a bit dark because the restaurant was dark but I'm sure it will still make you smile!
The picture of me isn't so cute, I know... but I love it because Addy is giggling like crazy!!
Well... we might have found the solution to our "crabby babby syndrome." The past week Addy has been increasingly fussy and picky about her eating.... and today she THREW UP!! Not once, but twice! She's never thrown up before so the first time I thought she was just choking on something and it triggered her gag reflex... but when she threw up on her own the second time there was no questioning that she must have some sort of stomach bug. :( This is her first sickness... preceded by her first real cold a month ago. I know I can't complain but I feel so bad for her... and even worse that I haven't known she was sick until now!
Here are some pictures from the last few weeks.... as you can see she has an increasing attachment to Lucy. As soon as I go to get her out of bed (whether nap time or morning) the first thing she does is bend down and pick up Lucy with this "We're breaking free" smile on her face. Its really cute - maybe I'll catch it on video soon.
I'm off to get some sleep so that hopefully I can be more comforting to her tomorrow!
Greeting from snowy Highland, Indiana. Brr.... I'm writing this after we got a couple of inches of SNOW!! Here are some pictures from a little while back when the weather was nice enough to take Addy on a walk in her wagon, her Christmas gift from Grandfather & TuTu.
Next, check out Addy with part of her fan club. Steve-O, Nate-Dog & Robert-O (aka R$) love letting Addy help lead worship at Axis.... and she loves helping :) Here is a shot of her playing Nate's guitar and hanging with "the guys."
Finally, here's a shot of Addy where you can see her teeth well (Mom and those who care :)) and a picture of Addy with Beth, DD's gal. I hope you enjoy them! More videos soon.