Friday, March 27, 2009


My baby is six months old.
He's the joy of our family.
He loves his pacifier, but he also loves his thumb.
He loved his sister's pink blanket until we bought him a blue one.
He loves being held more than life itself.
He lives on a schedule.
He still has his hair.
His eyes are changing colors.

I think Beth said it well when she said, "Nicholas smiles at everyone he engages with."

Its true. He's a smiler and he brings joy to all who know him.
He's Doonka.
He's Snicker.
He's Nicholas.
And he's growing up too fast.


Tara Sasser said...

King Nick is growing up fast and no doubt he is a happy happy baby.

Tara Sasser said...

Oh yeah, I love his missing sock on the storyboard

Unknown said...'re right...they do grow up too fast! And it's great he still has his hair...Trin was nearly bald for her 6-month pictures.

amy maples said...

what a great shot of him at the end of the post!

Emilee Stanley said...

So cute Michelle! And it makes me sad b/c my guy is right behind him. How did 6 months go by so fast?