Wednesday, April 26, 2006

and she's off!

Sorry for the delays in posting - I've been in Tennessee and just returned last night... and I'm leaving in the morning for Atlanta. More on my trip to TN when I return!

Well folks, she's officially walking. A step here a step there but never on demand and never more than a couple... until now! Johnny (who has been eagerly awaiting this day) has been working with her - standing her in the middle of the room and holding his arms out to her. She usually smiles, plops down and crawls over but as you can see in the video she all of a sudden decided to walk over! Since this video she's done this several times. It won't be long now before her big bellied mama is chasing after her!

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Suzanne said...

That is so funny! On Sunday, she was wanting down and I didn't know if she was walking or I just let her try to see and she did it! I thought we would surely know if she was since you are so good at informing us of her newest tricks!

Anonymous said...

michelle thats so exciting! I'm sure she'll keep you running around :)
can't wait to get together with you when you get home, but I hope your having a great time!

Bipin Sen said...

why is it we eagerly wait for the next big stage, all the while knowing that things are going to get harder, not easier? :-)

swart said...

They don't get harder - they get more fun ... yipppeeee for being able to Throw Connor on the bed without fear of him breaking.

Hey, i like the enthusiastic applause from Robert ... true Robert style celebrating with such vigor!

Well Done Addy!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy! Babies starting to walk is my FAVORITE stage... scary, but loads of fun! This was so cute... and I finally just got DSL so I didn't have to wait an hour for the video to download (I usually don't watch then for that reason... and I'm usually bad a posting comments, but how can you NOT say something to so momentus!) So cute! Yeah addy!

Mrs. Smith said...

Love this one! Good job Addy!