Tuesday, February 28, 2006

aunt jemima's jibber jabber

This video is of me trying to coerce Addy into talking for the camera... and the pictures below are of our little aunt jemima (as my mom would call her).

The sideways pictures is SO cute... I don't know why it isn't rotated on here but I couldn't resist posting it anyway. Mom, if you click on the picture it will enlarge and you can see both of her teeth!

There are also some shots of Addy in the cabinets, one of her favorite games. Moms with little ones, what did you do about the cabinets that have cleaning supplies? Train them not to get into them, move them or buy cabinet locks?


Anonymous said...

I loved that video! I think its hilarious that she kept sticking her tongue out! The other pictures are cute too!

Anonymous said...

I and some of my friends use those plastic links that hold toys to lock the doors. And they don't lock us out. You can also give her a cabinet with a couple bowls and redirect her to that one. It will get old after a while and then your cabinet will be yours again. Good Luck, I had one that wouldn't stop emptying the cabinet everytime I turned around. I was so glad when that got old.

Fabio 'n Elizabeth Tsukayama said...

Im loving the video thing! Maybe some year I will tackle figuring that out...

I also love the last picture of you and Addy... you dont show up here often enough! That is a lovely mother-daughter shot. Such nice smiles!

As you might have guessed, we train them not to get in *that* cabinet. I let Dominique get into other cabinets, like tupperware and pots, and she totally knows the difference! Every once in a while she still tries it, but I am always right there to remind her that she cant. ;-) Oh, and as a precaution, I put the toxic stuff back further, and not-so-toxic stuff closer to the front. :)

Anonymous said...

michelle the picture of you and Addy is way too cute!

Kathy said...

We did the same, Connor could only get into the tupperware cupboard and he still only does. He used to love to pull it a part and bang on everything.
Toxic stuff was out of reach for sure, but now that I think about it I don't have much toxic stuff.

You guys look so cute together.

Bipin Sen said...

the picture of you and addy makes me think... wait.. the two are related? wow. she looks like a hamstra clone. there was a second gene-set involved here also? cool.

we have given priya complete freedom around the house. i figure if she cuts herself a few times, and gets ulcers from drinking bleach, she'll learn soon enough not to do it. funny.. we have a bleeding child, and that still hasn't happened. hmmm.. i wonder what's wrong with this strategy...

Anonymous said...

We don't have cabinet locks here because we have bigger kids to help us keep Spencer out of things. He does love to pull things out and climb in-cute game. I use heavy rubber bands on the knobs when I want him to stay out, and on the cabinet with the detergent. With your #2 on the way, cabinet locks might save you some time-watching, running, picking up... we had them at our old house and I liked them.

Addy's pictures are SOOO sweet! What if you had a Worthington looking boy next!

Kristie said...

You better move the stuff - how could you say "no" to such a cutie?!

By the way, Happy Anniversary!

Kathy said...

I just played Connor the video and he was going crazy shouting "ADDY ADDY"!!!!

Anonymous said...

Does "Aunt Jemima" help getting the shirts off? Worked with you...

The video is priceless. I think I heard her say GG?

Cabinent locks work for those of us with not enough patience....

We love this site!!